My Work In Parliament

Speaking in the House of Commons
Dave contributes regularly to Parliamentary debates on behalf of Angus and Perthshire Glens in the House of Commons - in the Chamber, in Westminster Hall and in Committees.
All of his contributions can be found on his social media channels, which you can find below. You can also find these on Hansard, a record of all contributions made by Dave and other MPs.
Dave formerly sat on the Defence Committee, the Defence Sub-Committee, and the Committee on Arms Export Controls.
Until January 2022, Dave also sat on the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee. Dave was also part of the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill Committee, helping to shape animal welfare policy.
Dave is also a member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs)
APPGs are informal, cross-party groups formed by MPs and Members of the House of Lords who share a common interest in a particular policy area, region or country. Dave is a member of many APPGs, including:
Arctic and Nordic Councils (Vice-Chair)
Armed Forces
Beer Duty
CBD Products
Banning Trophy Hunting,
Motor Neuron Disease
Norway (Vice-Chair)
Scotch Whisky - Alcohol Duty Consultation
Scottish Sports
Eggs, Pigs and Poultry
Loan Charge and Taxpayer Fairness
Shooting and Conservation

See My Recent Contributions
Early Day Motions and Written Parliamentary Questions
Early Day Motions
Dave tables and signs EDMs to acknowledge and celebrate achievements of local people and businesses and to bring awareness to important local and national issues.
You can find a full list of EDMs submitted, and signed by Dave below.
Written Parliamentary Questions
Written Parliamentary Questions are used in Parliament to ask short questions of UK Government Ministers. Dave regularly writes to various departments to seek clarity on behalf of constituents in relation to their cases, to ask for statistics or further information, or to hold the Government to account for their policies.
A list of Dave's WPQs can be found below.